Saturday, February 28, 2009
I had a makeover!!
I have now opened my own blog offering custom blog designs for anyone who is interested. My prices are very affordable .... am really just in it for the fun of it .... but the little bit of pocket change will be nice to replenish my stash!
For more details visit my blog.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Been a busy girl!
I am also in the process of making new blinkies for everyone to show their love for Uproar ...... am just waiting on feedback from Dee on my first draft.
Off now to hopefully complete some of the CC challenges .......... mmmmm scrapping ...... it has been so long!!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Cybercrop tonight .....

Monday, February 16, 2009
Phew!!! 2 and a half days later ......

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Finally found some ME time...
This next one is my DT work for Out Of The Hat. This months challenge was to use paint, something metal and the colours red & purple.
I am currently working on my poppet challenge for Debs Creations Master Blaster Comp. It has taken me the last two days and I am still going ...... am starting to think that I have bitten off more than I can chew but am liking how it is tuning out so will push through!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Catch up .....
The card is also my entry for Challenge #5 of LSBS 52 pick up. Have a few other things that I have been working on but nothing to share yet. Not a huge amount of time for scrapping lately.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Another one off the list.
This challenge was to use punches. I used circles (everyone was using flowers) to create the scalloped border and the tab and journal block.

And for my personal challenge, a card from the scraps.

Monday, February 2, 2009
This page is for the week #3 challenge for 52 Pick Up at LSBS. Challenge was to use paper tearing and rolling technique.
I was syaing goodbye to a friend that had to leave early when I glanced at the MME Just Deamy 2 range and realised that the colours were a perfect match for the Kaiser Waterberry pp's I was using so I grabbed some of the transparancies for my page. I finished it off with lots of handstitching.
Got a bit on my to do list atm, tying up some loose ends from January so that I can fill my schedule with February projects!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
On a roll .....

Heading off to a crop at my LSS tonight and have lots of ideas so better get cracking and get into the packing! lol :-D